
Student Leadership Awards is an opportunity to recognize the hard work and talent of our student leaders who give so much to the 91勛圖厙community in terms of leadership, service, publications, athletics, and more. Each year, we host a ceremony organized by Student Government, ASM & other student leaders, working with the Student Leadership and Athletics offices.

Types of Awards

Every year, the student leadership awards taskforce finalizes the list of awards. The student leadership award archives detailed below provide examples of past awards, which typically include:

  • Athletics Awards, determined by the Athletics Office
  • Golden Plume Awards, determined by Peacock Media and the Journalism Program
  • The Student-to-Student Scholarship Award recipients, determined by Student Government, Student Development and Financial Aid representatives
  • At least two Student Government Awards, determined by the Leadership Award Taskforce
  • Best Club, determined by the Leadership Award taskforce
  • Other leadership awards to highlight specific qualities in highly-dedicated individuals of the student leadership community

About the Student Leadership Awards Taskforce

  • The Student Leadership Program Manager chairs the committee and recruits a taskforce of student leaders based on the following criteria:
  • 1-3 members of student government
  • 1 first-year student
  • 1 visiting student
  • 1-2 graduate students
  • 1 member of a student publication and 1 member of Peacock media
  • 1 member of last years Best Club

Since one student will easily represent two of the listed areas, the committee will usually result in 6-8 members. Students will be asked to sign a promise of confidentiality, though they are free to share that they served on the taskforce if they wish.

Furthermore, serving on the student leadership awards taskforce does not exempt a person from receiving an award themselves (see selection process below).

In addition, the Student Government Association executives appoint a faculty member to serve on the committee.

Selection Process

Athletic Awards are issued by the PAS Office and Golden Plumes are selected by the Peacock Media program. For all other leadership awards, the Student Leadership Office sends a call to the community for nominations, and a taskforce will generally meet twice to make final deliberations. If a member of the student leadership awards taskforce is nominated for an award, they will step out of the room when the rest of the taskforce deliberates the category that they were nominated for.

The student leadership awards taskforce may also provide support with event logistics for the award ceremony and/or coordinating gifts for the award recipients.


All award recipients are recognized during a special ceremony that takes place at the end of every academic year. In addition, award recipients will receive a leadership cord during their graduation ceremony.

Awards are also published on this page, and a full list of nominees is posted on泭

Athletic Awards 2022-2023


Hera Soysal

F.A.S.T (The Financial Assistance for Student with Tenacity Grant)

Dan Dougherty


Alexandra Wittmeier


Stephanie Bergon


Emma Martinez


Zwa Inyoni


Paul Mathew


Paul Mathew


Zion Drake


Gabriella Zadoyan


Sheel Vallam


Gisele Luiz


Genaro Ng


Ani Gonzalez Ward


Sophie Adams


Gisele Luiz


Gabby Bashizi


Hip Hop Club - Alexandra Shao


91勛圖厙Basketball - Zwa Inyoni

Leadership Awards 2022-2023


Sarah Salama


TAnna Johnson

Lilly Mildenberger


Caroline Sjerven


Fatimata Djibrine


91勛圖厙Green (Sarah Glavan)


Marouane Noman

Chandler Sumpter-Gillyard


Jacob Shropshire


Abigail Smart

Joy Amessoudji


Rona Phi

Kendall West


Nicolas Colucci

Eleanora Marcone


Vivre Performing Arts Season


Luca Monti

Graduating Student Leader Special Recognition Award

Rachel Avila

Sara Bashiti

Mallory Boyd

Arabella Lytton Gay

Savie Newton

Morgan Smith

Dominic Spada

Thalia Weissman

Previous Winners

2021-2022 Student Leadership Awards
Athletic Awards 2021-22


  • Dedication: Annika Zoetmulder and Gisele Luiz
  • Courage and Perseverance: Ethan Nguyen
  • Improvement: Allie Dvorchak


  • Most Valuable Player: Avery Sharp
  • Most Improved: Zion Drake
  • Most Dedicated: Gabby Bashizi

Other PAS Awards

  • Newcomer Award: Yoga Club, led by Alyssa Gauk
  • Perseverance Award: Cameron Waggett and Jonathan Moniz
  • Off-Campus Achievement: Allen Blackwell
  • Most Versatile Participant: Carolin Melz

Golden Plume Awards 2021-2022
  • Peacock Magazine: Hypocrisy, islamophobia and the future of immigration written by Christina Alvarez-Correa
  • Peacock Plume: Do you know Fumo? written by Oscar Padula
  • 91勛圖厙Radio: The Nightly Negroni produced By Giulia Oddone and Caleb Stangl
  • Best PodPlay Contribution: Love & Rejection
  • Most Creative Contributor: Sofia Rose

Leadership Awards 2021-2022
  • Model Student Advisor: Lynn Elhadjali泭

  • Model Editor: Abigail Wright

  • Model Student Government Officer: Carolin Melz

  • Most Executive Exec: Andrew Callaghan

  • Model Student Organization: Black and Abroad

  • Most Impactful Visiting Student: Madeline Lankarini

  • Most Impactful Project: Ukraine Fundraiser

  • Best Event: Worlds Fair

  • Service Award: Ria Phi

  • Emerging Student Leader: Angelina Zagaynova

  • Most Involved: Hera Soysal

  • M.O.M. Award (Most Outstanding Mentor): Sandra Lefaure

  • Most Dedicated Faculty/Staff Advisor: Charlotte Vernier

  • Deans Leadership Award: Jennifer Edwards

2019-2020 Student Leadership Awards
Athletic Awards 2019-2020

Futsal Men:

  • Most Valuable Player: Andrew Callaghan
  • Dedication Award: Ashton Forichon
  • Most Improved: Avery Sharp

Volleyball Women:

  • Most Valuable Player: Catherine Taylor
  • Most Improved: Stephanie Bergon

Dance Team:

  • Most Valuable Player: Sarah Bentov-Lagman
  • Most Improved: Alexandra Dvorchak

Golden Plume Awards 2019-2020

Best Fashion Piece:

  • "2020 is Nostalgia The New Black? by Abdel Benakki
  • "Androgyny: Menswear for All Bodies, Or Truly Gender Fluid" by Linnea Wingerup

Best Scripts for travel Piece:

  • A Mindful Trip to London* by Isala Gray

Best Freelance Piece:

  • "A Breath of Fresh Air for Jane Austen's Iconic Satire" by Abigail Wright

Best Online News Piece:

  • Corona Diaries: T-Minus 36 Hours by Maddi Carpenter-Crawford

Best Video Production:

  • Skin in the Game: Tattoos at 91勛圖厙(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McccZw5gLYw) by Sofia Rose

Best Magazine Piece:

  • "Meme en Franglais: A Look Into Internet Connectivity and Humor" by Linnea Wingerup

Leadership Awards 2019-2020

Best Club: This award recognizes泭a club that established a strong and memorable presence on campus through their events, weekly meetings, and impact on campus.

  • Black and Abroad founded and led by Amari Bing-Way

Best Event: This award goes to the most memorable student event of the year!

  • Halloween organized by Olivia Jenkins (SGA) and Sabrina Aguirre (ASM)

Emerging Student Leader:泭This award goes to a young student leader who has been a driving force of change and productivity in the 91勛圖厙community, despite having recently arrived at AUP.

  • Treraphat (T.) Chainarongrit

Exceptional Club Leader: This award recognizes a student organization leader's outstanding leadership.

  • Leonardo Tow (91勛圖厙for Consent)

Model Student Advisor: This award recognizes a student advisor who has gone above and beyond the call of duty and made an impact on the 91勛圖厙community.

  • Sandra Lefaure

Model Student Government Executive: This award recognizes excellence from a member of your Undergraduate or Graduate Student Council.

  • Nike Hartmann

Most Impactful Project: This award goes to the team or individual who initiated and carried out a project that benefited the 91勛圖厙community by pushing for lasting, positive change.

  • The Corona Diaries produced by Lydia Wiernik Partenio & Anita Maksymchuk (ASM)

Model Student Government Officer: This award recognizes outstanding leadership from a senator (class or department representative) or SGA committee member.

  • Michael Bowers

Most Involved Graduate Student: This award goes to a graduate student who demonstrated exceptional devotion, motivation, and commitment to their activities on campus.

  • Ren矇e Walton

Most Involved Undergraduate Student: This award goes to an undergraduate student who demonstrated exceptional devotion, motivation, and commitment to their activities on campus.

  • Anita Maksymchuk

Service above self: This award recognizes a student that was willing to put in the time and energy required to truly serve the student body, oftentimes putting the 91勛圖厙community's needs before their own.

  • Alfio Lococo

Dean's Leadership Award: This award from the Dean of Student Development recognizes outstanding leadership from an undergraduate or graduate student.

  • Bileh Dougsiyeh
2018-2019 Student Leadership Awards
Athletic Awards 2018-2019

Futsal Men:

  • Most Valuable Player: Andrew Callaghan
  • Most Improved: Cameron Bartlett
  • Dedication Award: Shutaro Hasumi

Volleyball Women:

  • Most Valuable Player: Patricia Molinos Ruperez
  • Most Improved: Tifani Ciotti-Kamph
  • Dedication Award: Angelica Elise Powers

Danse Team:

  • Most Valuable Player: Sarah Bentov-Lagman
  • Most Improved: Thorin Erb
  • Dedication Award: Gisele Chu

Student Athlete of the Year:

  • Sarah Bentov-Lagman & Thor Hartwick

Golden Plume Awards 2018-2019

Peacock Plume Best Human Interest Piece:

  • A Parents Last Resort by Claire Sharp

Peacock Plume Best News Piece:

  • Paris is Burning by Katerina McGrath and Fernanda Sapina

Peacock Magazine Best Human Interest Piece:

  • Should You Know Your Love Languages? 泭by Olivia Cowden

Peacock Magazine Best Visual:

  • Chez Moi by Tatum McDonald

Peacock Play Best Human Interest Piece:

  • Conformity at AUP by Anita Maksymchuk and team

Peacock Play Breakout Piece:

  • Conformity at AUP by Anita Maksymchuk and team

Scripts for Travel Best Human Interest Piece:

  • Homage to Humanity by Cinthya Franco

Scripts for Travel Best Travel Piece:

  • Tracing Family Roots to Northern Greece by Anna Demmas

Fashion Best Human Interest Piece:

  • Error 404: Model Not Found by Jacqueline Wegworth

Fashion Best Visuals:

  • Vogue Runway #ad #sponsored by Maddie Czarnik

Best Journalistic Freelance Piece:

  • The Sea from Suomenlinna by Caleb Lemke

Leadership Awards 2018-2019

Graduate Student Leader:

  • Madelaine Vanderheyden

Undergraduate Student Leader:

  • Diana Hickox

Most Outstanding Mentor:

  • Emily Ide

Exceptional Student Government Executive of the Year:

  • Chiara Amor

Outstanding Student Government Official:

  • Caelin Peterson

Outstanding Editor or Producer:

  • Sage Theiss Sakata

Most Valuable ASM Board Member (MVB award):

  • Sophia Foerster

Service Above Self Award:

  • Chiara Amor

Emerging Student Leader:

  • Chris Turner

Student Club of the Year:

  • 91勛圖厙for Consent (these students make up the board of the club: Frances Eby, Leonardo Tow, Jamie Nyqvist, Sam Proteau, Abigail Wright, Reagan Espino)

Exceptional Student Leader:

  • Frances Eby

Propeller of Change Award:

  • Dhouha Djerbi

Model Student Advisor:

  • Leona Caanen & Malick Rupert

Most Involved:

  • Sophia Foerster

Event of the Year:

  • Multimedia Fundraising Gala (award goes to the event organizer, Lauren Domagas)
2017-2018 Student Leadership Awards
Athletic Awards 2017-2018

Futsal Men:

  • Most Valuable Player: Tommaso Mangano
  • Most Improved: Marly Phillips Nicol
  • Dedication Award: Daniel Kullolli

Volleyball Women:

  • Most Valuable Player: Sarah泭 Keough
  • Most Improved: Alessandra泭泭 Campbell
  • Dedication Award: Alexandra Acero

Basketball Men:

  • Most Valuable Player: Jie Yi Xu
  • Most Improved: Johnson Yoder
  • Dedication Award: Michael Bowers

Student Athlete of the Year:

  • Alessandra Campbell

Golden Plume Awards 2017-2018

Plume Online Best Content:

  • "Drawing the line: sexual assault on campus" by Ali Benzerara

Peacock Magazine Best Content:

  • "The Metro's Got Talent" by Chanet Smith

Play Video Best Content:

  • March for Our Lives

Grad Opinion Best Content:

  • "Ode to the Reticent Traveler" by Beth Grannis

Scripts for Travel Best Content:

  • "Paris Through its Protest"泭by Alice Preat

Fashion Journalism Best Content:

  • "Ethical Fashion: From Paris to New York" by泭Dorothea泭Mursch-Edlmayr

Board Member泭Awards: Outstanding Editing Achievement:

  • Ali Nielsen

Board Member泭Awards: Best Team Player:

  • Alex Bilodeau
  • Jackie Wegwerth
  • Malick Rupert

Board Member泭Awards: Outstanding Leadership:

  • Talia泭Lliteras泭

Leadership Awards 2017-2018

Exceptional SGA Executive Team Member:

  • Jasmine Paul

Exceptional SGA Senator:

  • Maria Rodriguez

Exceptional SGA Committee Member:

  • Rokhaya Wade

Undergraduate Student-Life Leader:

  • Jasmine Paul

Graduate Student-Life Leader:

  • Anna Chapman

Emerging Student Leader:

  • Alfio Lococo

Service above Self Award:

  • Nebi Dzhabrailova

Exceptional Club Leader:

  • Gloria Atanga

Club of the Year:

  • Inspire Africa泭(Rokhaya Wade & Gloria Atanga)

Senator MVP:

  • Jasmine Paul
2016-2017 Student Leadership Awards
Athletic Awards 2016-2017

Futsal Men:

  • Most Valuable Player: Saji Thiam
  • Most Improved: Thor Hartwick
  • Dedication Award: Stefan Kaufmann

Volleyball Women:

  • Most Valuable Player: Sarah泭 Keough
  • Most Improved: Maryam Benjelloun
  • Dedication Award: Ekaterina Vorobyeva


  • Most Valuable Player: Chiara Amor
  • Most Improved: Nebi Dzhabrailova泭
  • Dedication Award: Katherine Sutliff

Student Athlete of the Year:

  • Margarita Valldejuly

Golden Plume Awards 2016-2017

Best Original Photography:

  • Rebecca Simor

Funniest Article:

  • Lillian Wagner

Most Memorable Voice:

  • Lillian Wagenr

Best Interview Piece:

  • Safian泭 Ado-Ibrahim

Most Original Article:

  • Hedvig Werner

Leadership Awards 2016-2017

Club of the Year (Baytna Vous):

  • Anne Vallot-Basker泭泭泭泭泭泭泭

Exceptional Club Leader:

  • Anne Vallot-Basker泭泭泭泭泭泭泭

Service above Self Award:

  • Jasmine Paul

Emerging Student Leader:

  • Cameron Gattinger

Undergraduate Leadership:

  • Maria Rodriguez

Graduate Leadership:

  • Kristal Kramer

Exceptional Executive Student Leader:

  • Maria Rodriguez

Senator MVP:

  • Danica Cortez

Senator MVP:

  • Adrien泭 Lee
2015-2016 Student Leadership Awards

Graduate Life Leadership Award:

  • Habiba Belguedj

Undergraduate Life Leadership Award:

  • Savannah Jenkins泭 泭

Exceptional SGA Executive Student Leader:

  • Savannah Jenkins泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭

Outstanding Student Media Executive:

  • Ariana泭 Mosofari

Emerging Student Leader:

  • Amelia Harvey

Service above Self Award:

  • Habiba Belguedj

Exceptional Club Leader:

  • Eleanor Dickinson泭泭泭泭泭泭泭泭

Club of the Year :

  • Baytna Vous泭(Anne Vallot-Basker)
2014-2015 Student Leadership Awards
Athletic Awards 2014-2015

Student Female Athlete of the Year:

  • Dasha泭泭Goncharova

Student Male Athlete of the Year:

  • Kyle Keenan

Leadership Awards 2014-2015

USC Executive Member of the Year:

  • Natalie Jenkins

GSC Executive Member of the Year:

  • Ayla Nejad

Outstanding GSC Student Senator of the Year:

  • Ayla Nejad

Outstanding USC Student Senator of the Year:

  • Claudia Galtes

Emerging Student Leader:

  • Alexandra Elz
  • Amanda Skaar

Service above Self Award:

  • Evon Pervan-Keller
  • Natalie Jenkins

Student Club Leader of the Year:

  • Daniel泭 Umstaedter
  • Marina Ceccarelli

Student Committee Leader of the Year:

  • Amanda Elz

Student Club of the Year:

  • 91勛圖厙Cares泭(Alexandra Elz)

Best Student Media Member of the Year:

  • Gabriel Hedengren