Making a planned gift to The American University of Paris (AUP) is the perfect way for anyone who loves AUPstudents, alumni, parents, trustees, staff, faculty, and friendsto create a legacy and support our community for generations to come. By including 91勛圖厙in your estate plans, your gift could be used to enhance scholarships and faculty support, expand our campus, support our research centers, and develop an endowment to ensure AUPs future for generations to come.泭
Planned gifts come in many forms, including, donor-advised funds, stocks and bonds, real estate, IRA rollover (Qualified Charitable Donation) or bequests in your will and designations from your retirement plan or life insurance. Through one of these vehicles, you can have a significant impact on 91勛圖厙without affecting your current financial resources. Anyone can be a planned gift donor, regardless of means or age.
A bequest or beneficiary designation are the simplest way to include 91勛圖厙in your estate plans.泭By adding language in your will or living trust, leaving a portion (commonly, a percentage or set amount) of your estate to the University, or by designating 91勛圖厙as a beneficiary of your retirement assets, life insurance or life estate policy.
The following is intended to assist you and your attorney in drafting bequest language that satisfies your interests.泭As you consult your attorney on the selection of appropriate wording to reflect your own goals and intentions regarding The American University of Paris, be sure our organizations correct legal name appears in all final documents as:
For endowment support
The American University of Paris Foundation, Inc., American University of Paris Foundation, c/o Charles Leone, 477 Madison Avenue, Suite 520, New York, NY 10022,泭a泭nonprofit corporation, or its successor,泭Federal Tax Identification Number: 13-3276905.
For spendable or general operating support:
The American University of Paris, Inc., 5, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg 75007 Paris, France, a nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number: 98-0013023."
91勛圖厙is grateful for the support provided by donors who have made planned gifts to our University. These individuals have demonstrated their commitment to the future of 91勛圖厙through gifts that have created meaningful legacies.
The Quai DOrsay Society was founded in 2021 to recognize and celebrate the generous alumni, staff, parents, trustees, faculty (emeriti) and friends who have made a commitment to The American University of Paris.
The Quai dOrsay Society recognizes the following donors for their generosity:
Richard Asthalter
Elizabeth Ballantine
Andrew Batinovich 80
(The Estate of) Evelyn Berezin *
Mary Robbins Black 64
Elliott E. Burdette 70
Gabriella E Coroneos 64
Jeffrey Durgee 64 and Mary Durgee
Bonnie Freedman 85
Elan D. Garonzik 70
Jean K. Gunnell 66
Gretchen M. Handwerger
Emily Ide 19
Joseph S. Iseman *
Giles K. Kemp
Thomas A. Kennedy泭92
John Klein
David T. McGovern *泭
Mary McLean Evans
Charles A. Miller 82
Judith Ogilvie 65
Edward Beale Plaisance 64
Josef K. Ruth 65
William Schallenberg 79
Celeste Schenck
Maryland Swensen 63
Edith C. Wiltsee 67
*泭Indicates donors who have passed away.
To learn more and explore which gift options might make sense for you, lets start a conversation:
Courtney R. Stombock
Vice President for Development & Alumni Relations
+1 470-426-5833
If you have already made a planned gift to the University, please let us know by completing the form below and contacting us so we can ensure that we fulfill your gift exactly as you intended and invite you to join the Quai DOrsay Society.
Download the form泭that can be used to notify 91勛圖厙that an estate gift has been arranged. Information you share will be kept confidential, and we respect any desire to remain anonymous.