
The Center for Critical Democracy Studies (CCDS)

The Center for Critical Democracy Studies was founded in 2016 to foster an interdisciplinary approach to questions of democracy. Purposely aligned with AUPs liberal arts curriculum, the Center encourages all fields from the natural and environmental sciences to the social sciences and humanities to explore democracy as a social state, a political regime, and a form of agency. Center-sponsored research is global, inter- and trans-disciplinary. The Centerhas received generous support from the Mellon Foundation and the Annenberg Foundation and received three multinational Horizon Europe projects supported by theEU research & innovation program. It sponsors the publication ofThe Tocqueville Review/La Revue Tocqueville, its online platformTocqueville21,泭硃紳餃泭喧堯梗泭Analyse & Kritikjournal. Offering a platform for the organization of conferences and events around key themes of democracys past, present, and future, CCDS is committed to generating innovative pedagogies designed to foster critical thinking on the history, theory, and practice of democracy. The Center also sponsors scholars-in-residence who deliver talks and lead pedagogy seminars.

泭泭泭泭泭泭ccdsataup.edu ()