On May 17, 2024, the91勛圖厙Center for Critical Democracy Studies泭held泭a symposium on the contemporary challenges and threats to academic freedom in the United States and Europe.
Keynote address:泭Robert C. Post泭| Professor of Law, Yale Law School
Olivier Beaud泭| Professeur de droit public, Universit矇 Paris 2 Panth矇on-Assas
Eleonora Bottini泭| Professeure de droit public, Universit矇 de Caen Normandie
Camille Fernandes泭| Ma簾tre de conf矇rences en droit public, Universit矇 de Franche-Comt矇
Patrick Weil泭| Senior Research Fellow, National Centre for Scientific泭Research (CNRS), Visiting Professor, Yale Law School泭
Roman Zinigrad泭| Assistant Professor of Law, AUP