D.Rad is a comparative study of radicalization and polarization in Europe and beyond.The project spanned from December 2020 to April 2024 and received € 3 099 535 by the Horizon-2020 program of the European Commission. Stephen Sawyer, the CCDS Director, was awarded€ 254 891 portionof the grant. The Center led a WP on theidentification and de-escalation of radicalization hotspots, took part in six work packages, published seven reports, co-organized a conference on radical violence, hosted a symposium and lectures, and organized an art exhibition on the theme of radical violence in Paris.
Theproject provideda unique evidence base for the comparative analysis of law and policy as nation states adapt to new security challenges. The process of mapping these varieties and their link to national contextswascrucial in uncovering strengths and weaknesses in existing interventions. D.Rad accountedfor the problem that processes of radicalization often occur in circumstances that escape the control and scrutiny of traditional national frameworks of justice. The participation of AI professionals in modelling, analysing and devising solutions to online radicalizationwascentral to the project’s aims.
D.Rad benefittedfrom an exceptional breadth of backgrounds.The CCDS was part of a 17-member consortium that included research teams fromthe UK, Italy, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Finland, Slovenia, Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Israel, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Georgia,andAustria. It bridgedacademic disciplines ranging from political science, lawandhistory, tocultural studies,social psychology and artificial intelligence. Dissemination methods includedD.Rad labs, D.Rad hubs, policy papers, academic workshops, visual outputs and digital galleries. As such, D.Rad establisheda rigorous foundation to test practical interventions geared to preventionand inclusion.
D.Radaccomplished itsthree core objectives:
On June 21-23,2023, The American University of Paris hostedan international conferencewith an interdisciplinary platform to investigate and debate the question of contemporary irruptions of political violence and to inquire into the different responses intended to counteract violence. When and why do individuals, groups, and societies come to believe that peaceful means and legal avenues of redress, including non-violent civil disobedience, are insufficient or improper to achieve a social or political goal and to view violent action as morally legitimate and necessary for change? Can one identify trends shaping recourse to violence by parts of the populace? What role does state violence play in the dialectic? When, if ever, is political violence legitimate? How can violence be averted?
These are not new questions in political theory or the social sciences. State and non-state political violence being a regular occurrence in the historical trajectory of all societies, including modern democracies. But they have taken on new salience through the rise of far-right extremist movements and irruptions of individual and group violence of various ideological and social origins. The simultaneity of these phenomena across different countries, and the manifest potential for new violent turns, raises essential theoretical and policy questions, requiring renewed critical investigation.
The George and Irina Schaeffer Center for the Study of Genocide, Human Rights, and Conflict Prevention and the Center for Critical Democracy at The American University of Paris welcomed papers that analyze the origins of violence in new innovative directions and studies of state responses to violence and of the strengths and limits of strategies based on education, dialogue, truth and reconciliation, deradicalization and so forth. We were also interested in historical-comparative work situating current political violence across space and time, critical political philosophical investigations of state legitimacy, as well as rightful and unrightful resistance. We welcomed contributions in all fields, including psychology, political science, anthropology, sociology, history, law, criminology, literature, and communications as well as approaches promoting creative responses to the theme of the conference.
With the aim of disseminating their research findings to a broader audience, the D.Rad consortium chose to extend the project through an artistic lens. Six artists were invited to interpret and convey their understanding of the D.Rad Project through various works of art.
On April 1-22, 2023, the CCDS collaborated with thein the 18 arrondissement in Paris to host the D.Rad art exhibition: “Complicating the Narrative in a Time of False Simplicity”.
Copyright for photos: Karim Ait Adjedjou, Kate French, Carolin Melz