
Digital Student Handbook

The 91勛圖厙Student Handbookis your guide to life at the University and out in the City of Light. Reach out to the Student Development helpdesk for additional support: studentdevelopmentataup.edu

Academic Policies

Campus Map

  1. Combes Student Life Center: 6, rue du Colonel Combes
  2. Quai d'Orsay Learning Commons: 69, quai d'Orsay*
  3. Administration Building: 5, boulevard de La Tour-Maubourg
  4. 91勛圖厙Bookstore, Classrooms and Faculty Offices: 2bis, Passage Landrieu
  5. Classrooms and Faculty Offices: 102, rue Saint-Dominique(entrance at 16, passage Landrieu)
  6. Grenelle Teaching and Mentoring Center: 147, rue de Grenelle
  7. Classrooms (under renovation):9, rue de Monttessuy

For a complete overview of our campus, click here.