
You will find below a list of English-speaking medical providers in Paris. These professionals work closely with the 91勛圖厙community and have been recommended by students and staff of The American 泭University of Paris. However, if youre in need of a specialist that does not appear on this list, please feel free to contact the Health Office at泭healthataup.edu.


Dr Nizard is our on-campus General Practitioner. Shes available 3 afternoons a week starting September 9th, and students will be able to book online .


is a comprehensive doctor泭database that lists most doctors in France. You can see their schedule, location, consultation/procedure price, choose which language you would like the appointment in, and make the appointment. You can make an account, and use the filters to specify your preferences. They also send you several appointment reminders, so you can stay organized.

You will find a step-by-step guide here: Guide to Doctolib.pdf

The Health Office can help you find:

  • STD centers
  • Specialists
  • If a medication is reimbursed or not
  • Blood work labs, ultrasound/CT-Scan/MRI medical centers

Important tips for navigating the French medical system

Emergencies and hospitals

  • Emergencies and medical advice: Call International SOS, our assistance partner, at 00 33 1 55 63 36 35, tell them youre an 91勛圖厙student and need to talk to the medical team.
  • In French public hospitals, you dont pay upfront, you receive a bill later. If you were hospitalized or about to be, please let the Health Office know, so we can ask the insurance to send a guarantee of payment. If you receive a bill later, send this bill to the health office asap.
  • Private hospitals will have you pay on the spot and usually go beyond reasonable prices.

Payment and Reimbursement

  • In France, you must pay upfront for your doctors appointments and pharmacy.
  • Doctors, pharmacies, labs, physical therapists, and all medical providers MUST give you a medical claim (a credit card receipt is not legible).
  • Keep your pharmacy prescriptions (in French: Ordonnance)
  • Bring泭the original doctors prescriptions泭and泭medical claims to the Health Office泭(Combes 502 and 503). Well guide you through your individual reimbursement process in strict confidentiality.

Doctors and medical services

General practitioners
Dr Melissa Large Regular fee: 40/Acupuncturist 80 29 Sant矇 Mandel - 29 Avenue Georges Mandel. 75116 Paris
One Clinic Regular fee: 40-60 01 86 47 85 54 2 locations : La D矇fense and Paris 15
Dr. Celine Sloane Regular fee: 25 01 45 79 38 23 20 bd de Grenelle 75015 Paris
Metro: Bir Hakeim
Appointments by phone only泭
Dr. Danielle Torchin Regular fee: 25 18 rue du G矇n矇ral Beuret 75015 Paris
Metro: Vaugirard
Dr. Maxine Mallet Regular fee: 25 09 52 05 11 54 54 rue des Archives 75004 Paris
Dr. Christine Aubert
Medical Center GP
Regular fee: 25 01 48 87 21 10 Centre Haxo - 89 bis rue haxo 75020 Paris
Metro: Porte es Lilas
Dr. Krista Johnson
GP with gynecological qualifications
Regular fee: 25 89 rue de Vaugirard 75006 Paris
Metro: Saint-Placide
Dr Myl癡ne Pradelle Regular fee : 25 45 01 42 77 29 18 16 rue des Archives 75004 Paris
Dr. Patricia Nizard Students covered by MSH insurance: No fee
Students not covered by MSH insurance with French Social Security or other foreign insurance: 70
01 45 55 66 15 or email healthataup.edu

On campus: C-504 (see Calendly)

Dr. Philippe Labet Regular fee: 25 - 30 01 44 18 94 82 41, avenue Rapp 75007 Paris
Metro: Pont de lAlma
Dr. Nancy Salzman Regular fee: 65 01 45 63 18 43 1 Avenue de Lowendal, 75007 Paris
Dr. Alexis Nizard Regular fee: 70 01 42 27 37 03 Espace Sant矇 Europ矇en, 4 avenue Gourgaud - 75017泭Paris
Metro泭: Pereire
Dr Corina-Rodica POPESCU Regular Fee 25 72 avenue Bourdonnais 75007 Paris

Dr. Thierry Legagnoux 1st Consultation: 100, then 80. He will prescribe an x-ray first (around 180) 01 45 51 38 38 119, rue de l'Universit矇 75007 Paris
Dr Jonathan Benhaim 1st Consultation: 90, then 70. 01 43 35 44 55 12 Rue d'Ouessant, 75015 Paris

Dr. Jean Baptiste Varea Consultation: 50 to 100 01 40 70 96 26 45 avenue George V 75008 Paris
Dr. Aidan Dowd Consultation: 21
Cleaning: 29
01 46 06 90 64 11, rue de la Fontaine du But 75018 Paris
Metro: Lamarck-Caulaincourt
Dr Guillaume Jouanny Not disclosed 01 40 60 70 31 76 avenue de la Bourdonnais 75007 Paris
Dr Jonathan Gucciardi Not disclosed 01 43 26 06 43 2 place Saint Sulpice 75006 Paris
Dr. Antoine Barthas Consultation泭: 23 01 45 51 37 31 34, avenue de la Motte-Picquet 75007 Paris
Centre Dentaire DENTYLIS Not disclosed 01 83 75 52 25 105 boulevard Saint Michel 75005 Paris
Dr. Anne Wissler Consultation: 23 14 avenue Kl矇ber 75116 Paris
Dr. Monica Medved Consultation: 23 01 47 05 56 64 26 rue Cognac Jay 75007
Dr Sebastian Le Normand Consultation泭 23 01 45 22 83 97 24 rue du Rocher 75008 Paris

Dr. Elise Thellier Consultation: 100 01 47 27 55 55 96 Avenue Victor Hugo, 75116 Paris
Dr Elizabeth Spahn Regular fee: 100 150 Rue de l'Universit矇, 75007 Paris Doctolib
Dr Jeanne Marie Borloo Bazin (speaks Spanish and English) Regular fee泭: 120 97 avenue Victor Hugo 75116 Paris
Dr. Anne-Fran癟oise Neiman Consultation : 100 01 44 18 72 18 150, rue de lUniversit矇 75007 Paris
Metro: Invalides

Ear Nose and Throat
Dr. Dominique Elbaz Regular fee: 100 01 40 70 12 12 6 rue du Boccador 75008 Paris
Metro: Alma-Marceau
Dr. Ali泭Abbas Regular fee: 85 50 avenue de la Motte Picquet 75015 Paris
Metro: La Motte-Picquet泭Grenelle

Endocrinologist泭/ Diabetologist
Dr Claude Colas Consultation: 60-90 107 Rue de l'Universit矇, 75007 Paris
Dr. Christine泭Moisan
Endocrinologist, Diabetes specialist, nutritionist
Consultation: 90 01 42 25 62 51 /泭c.moisan.parisatgmail.com 22 rue de Longchamp 75116 Paris
Dr Emmanuelle Lecornet Sokol Regular fee: 23 100 01 47 04 68 67

Institut Parisien dEndocrinologie

3 rue Francisque Sarcey 75116 Paris
Dr. Julie泭Sarfati
Endocrinologist, Diabetes specialist
Consultation: 90 01 47 04 68 67 3 rue Francisque Sarcey 75116 Paris

Dr Nicola簿 Johnson

Endocrinologist specialized in gender transition
Consultation: not disclosed coordinationatoutrans.org

H繫pital Tenon

4 rue de la Chine 75020 Paris

for diabetes only

Dr. Jean-Fran癟ois Lefebvre Consultation: 60 01 45 56 55 00 166, rue de lUniversit矇 75007 Paris
Metro: Invalides
Cabinet M矇dical de la Tour Maubourg 90-150 01 45 67 91 44 41 Boulevard de la Tour-Maubourg, 75007 Paris
Dr Alexandra Popescu 90-150 01 42 58 59 06 91 Rue Caulaincourt, 75018 Paris

Cabinet Infirmier
Madeleine Mazas et Mathieu Nacfer
Regular fee: depends on treatment 06 11 87 36 50 12 rue Desaix 75015 Paris

SOS Infirmi癡res

Consultation: Depends on treatment

+33 1 47 07 00 73


+33 8 05 96 09 75



Michael Abergel


Consultation: 70 01 45 51 65 21 80 rue Saint Dominique 75007 Paris

Physiotherapists / Physical Therapists
Paul Beurskens Consultation: 45 01 44 07 04 97 26 bd Raspail 75007 Paris
Metro: Rue du Bac or S癡vres-Babylone
St矇phane Audibert Consultation: 16 to 50 76 avenue des Champs-Elys矇es 75008 Paris
71 avenue des Ternes 75017 Paris
Check location before booking
Dr Adrien Sevan KARAKACHIAN Consultation: 80 then reduced price for follow ups 9 Rue Albert de Lapparent 75007 Paris

Orthopedist surgeon
Dr. Philippe Loriaut泭(speaks English, Spanish and Portuguese) Consultation: 80 01 86 95 49 76 84 av de Wagram 75017 Paris
Metro: Courcelles
Dr Elliott Kierszbaum Consultation: 80 Clinique Blomet 136 bis rue Blomet 75015 Paris + Clinique du Landy 23 rue du Landy Saint Ouen
Check location before booking

Dr. Maud Bergis Consultation: 55 01 47 05 61 31 199, rue de Grenelle 75007 Paris
Metro: Ecole Militaire
Dr. Mich癡le Wolter-Desfosses Consultation: 70 01 42 66 17 83 21, rue Tronchet 75008 Paris
Metro: Madeleine
Dr. Charles Velter Regular fee: 100 01 45 48 01 37 1 rue de Villersexel 75007 Paris

Dr. Chloe Rackow Consultation: 130 an hour 01 43 18 09 90 27 rue de Tocqueville 75017 Paris
Metro: Malesherbes
Dr Dominique Padoux Regular fee: 130 06 60 05 63 96 8 rue de Rivoli 75004 Paris

Dr Isabelle Laffont

Regular fee: 150 01 40 06 04 49 11 rue Vignon 75008 Paris
Dr. Alexandre Meary Regular fee: 90 07 85 64 12 05 33 rue R矇aumur 75003 Paris
Metro: Arts et Metiers

Dr Virgile Guillou

Regular fee: 100 06 52 61 34 74 7 rue Ernest Cresson 75014 Paris
Dr Isabelle Guillemet Regular fee: 180 01 42 27 22 12 27 Rue de Tocqueville, 75017 Paris

*For additional support and if youre looking for a therapist, please contact one of our guidance counselors:泭pmontfortataup.edu /cvernierataup.edu

Dr. Esther Blumen Regular Fee: 30 to 70 01 45 55 65 45 4 rue Desgenettes泭 75007 Paris
Dr. Olivier Offret Regular Fee: 60 01 45 67 16 22 16, rue Jose Maria de Heredia 75007 Paris
Metro: S矇gur
Dr Charles Van Went Regular fee: 70 01 43 27 10 69

IPO - L'Institut Parisien d'Ophtalmologie

2 Villa du Mont Tonnerre, 75015 Paris

Optique Monnery 01 47 05 18 67 49, rue Cler 75007 Paris
Metro: Ecole Militaire
Walter S Optician 01 45 51 70 08 107, rue Saint Dominique 75007 Paris
Metro: Ecole Militaire

Laboratoires dAnalyses M矇dicales 01 47 05 84 37 42, ave Bosquet 75007 Paris
Metro: Ecole Militaire
Laboratoires dAnalyses M矇dicales 01 47 83 24 13 16, rue Jos矇-Maria de Heredia 75007 Paris
Metro: S矇gur
Laboratoire Paris-Universit矇 01 45 51 27 80 / Labo.parisuniversiteatbiogroup-lcd.fr 160 rue de lUniversit矇 75007 Paris
Metro: Gare du Pont de L'Alma

Centre dImagerie M矇dicale Not Disclosed 01 45 56 56 02 199, rue de Grenelle 75007 Paris
Metro: Ecole Militaire

Centre dImagerie泭Oudinot

Not Disclosed
01 40 59 08 08
21 rue Oudinot 75007 Paris
Dr. Anne Ducellier-Orlowski (ultrasounds only) Not Disclosed
01 45 25 15 10
16, rue Franklin 75016 Paris
Metro: Trocad矇ro

Centre dImagerie M矇dicale Alma (IRM scan and ultrasound)

Not Disclosed
01 45 56 56 02
166 rue de LUniversit矇 75007 Paris

Pharmacie Parisienne 01 47 05 83 95 104, rue Saint Dominique 75007 Paris
Metro: Ecole Militaire
Pharmacie Cotinat 01 47 05 44 85 151, rue de Grenelle 75007 Paris

Herford British Hospital 01 46 39 22 22 3 rue Barb癡s 92300 Levallois-Perret
Metro: Anatole France
H繫pital Europ矇en Georges-Pompidou 01 56 09 20 00 20, rue Leblanc 75015 Paris
Metro: Balard
Clinique Blomet 08 26 30 45 37 136 bis, rue Blomet 75015 Paris
Metro: Convention
H繫pital Cochin 27 rue du Fg Saint-Jacques 75014 Paris
H繫tel Dieu

1 place du Parvis Notre-Dame - 75004 Paris

Emergency House Calls
International SOS 01 55 63 36 35
SOS MEDECINS 3624 or 01 47 07 77 77 SOS M矇decins make house calls when you are too sick or when a General Practitioner is not available (during the night or weekends)

Low fee medical centers
Centre Jack Senet Very reasonable rates 01 46 20 91 29 12 Rue Armand Moisant, 75015 Paris
M 6/12 Falgui癡re/Pasteur/Montparnasse
Medical Center Ella Sant矇 Not disclosed 01 43 12 31 00 29 bis rue dAstorg 75008 Paris