
If the Provost upholds the negative recommendation or overturns the positive recommendation of the Rank and Promotion Committee, the faculty member may appeal the Provost’s decision to the President of the University by June 1.

This appeal should take the form of a detailed letter to the President summarizing the candidate’s reasons for appealing the decision. The Appeals Committee receives a copy of the letter and decides whether it will hear the appeal.

After studying the full dossier, the Appeals Committee reviews the recommendation of the Rank and Promotion Committee and the decision of the Provost. The Provost and the Chair of the Rank and Promotion Committee will be invited to the Appeals Committee. In the case that it opposes the previous decisions, the Appeals Committee returns the Dossier to the Rank and Promotion Committee for a second review and consideration. The Appeals Committee must present its recommendation, and the arguments supporting it, in writing to the Rank and Promotion Committee. Prior to the second recommendation of the Rank and Promotion Committee, the Provost and the Chair of the Appeals Committee meet with the Rank and Promotion Committee for discussions over the recommendation of the Appeals Committee. The final recommendation of the Rank and Promotion Committee goes to the President for ultimate decision.

The President makes known his or her decision in writing to the candidate with a copy delivered to the Provost, the Chair of the Appeals Committee and the Chair of the Rank and Promotion Committee, by December 1. Deadline for reapplication for promotion for candidates expecting appeal decisions is delayed until January 1.

The Appeals Committee on Faculty Rank and Promotion, composed of all eligible Full and Associate Professors, with the exception of those who are members of the Committee on Faculty Rank and Promotion, must meet no later than the end of September to elect its Chair. Attendance for all Full and Associate Professors is recommended, and a minimum one-third plus one attendance is necessary for a quorum.
